Hazel Wolf K-8

Hazel Wolf
Get Involved


Fundraising at Hazel Wolf

One of the goals of our PTSA is to raise money to help support and enrich our school. We do this through a variety of fundraisers. Each fundraiser is listed here, along with information about how you can contribute. Thank you for supporting our school!

Amazon Smile logo


Use AmazonSmile for your shopping!

Through AmazonSmile, your Amazon.com purchases can automatically support our school. The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of every purchase to our PTSA!

To set up an AmazonSmile account at smile.amazon.com: When you first sign up, you will be given an opportunity to choose your charity. Type in “Hazel Wolf” and select “Hazel Wolf PTSA Unit 6.15.24” (don?t be confused by the location listing of Tacoma, WA, this is the correct choice). If you already have an Amazon Smile account and would like to change your charity, go to “Your Account” and select “Your AmazonSmile.” Then select “Change Charity” in the upper right-hand corner. Now, don’t forget to use AmazonSmile for all your Amazon.com purchases!

1. Create a bookmark

Drag this box to your bookmarks or favorites bar to create a shortcut to smile.amazon.com.

2. Install the Amazon Assistant

Get easy access to Product Comparisons, Deal of the Day, and time-saving shortcuts, which all link to smile.amazon.com. Learn more about AmazonSmile

Direct Appeal

Our ongoing direct appeal is the simplest way to give (just write a check or give online) and 100% of your contribution supports the school. Visit the Direct Appeal website to make a donation!

Box Tops for Education

We participate in the national Box Tops for Education Program. If you see this label on any products you have at home, please cut it out and bring it in to school. Box Top collection bins are in the lobby.