Family Bulletin 12-08-24

Hazel Wolf K-8 Weekly Family Bulletin
December 8, 2024
Upcoming Dates:
- Now through Dec. 12th PTSA Blue Envelope Direct Appeal Fundraiser
- Now through Dec. 15th Ridwell School Drive
- Now through Apr. 30th: TerraCycle School Recycling Drive
- Dec. 10th, 7:30-8:45am Staff Appreciation Breakfast (Library)
- Dec. 12th-18th Book Fair (Library)
- Thursday, Dec 12th, 4pm-6pm: ADHD Parent Support Group (Music room)
- Dec. 18th Band & Orchestra Showcase (7:00pm)
All School Announcements
Message from Dr. Breuder:
Next week students will participate in a Lockdown Drill. A “lockdown drill” is to keep students safe from any danger inside and outside the building. After an announcement, students go to the nearest classroom (if in the hallway); teachers check the hallway, lock their doors and make sure the windows are covered. Students and staff remain in a locked classroom until they receive notice that the lockdown is over. To make sure everyone is safe, no one is allowed to enter or exit the building.
We know drills can be stressful, so we want to remind students (and adults) that drills are an important part of keeping our community safe. We want to be able to respond calmly and safely in the event of an emergency, so we practice at least one emergency drill per month. This month is a Lockdown Drill. Teachers and staff will go over the emergency procedures with students, but we always like to give a heads-up to families around this specific drill. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Message from Mr. Zetterberg:
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Hazel Wolf December 12-18! This is a big fundraiser for our school library and a chance to connect with your children about great books! We will need your help to make this event run smoothly. If you are cleared to volunteer and able to help, please sign up.
Message from Ms. Marcu:
Hello Hazel Wolf Community. My name is Kristin Marcu (she/her) and I am the counselor at Hazel Wolf. I just returned from being on maternity leave. For those that don’t know me, I have been a counselor at this school since 2018. I look forward to continuing to support our Hazel Wolf community.
If you would like to contact me, the best way is by email. My email is You can also call my office at 206-252-4571.
Middle School News:
Message from Ms. Jordan:
Hello Hazel Wolf community! Please join us at our HWMS Band and Orchestra concert on December 18th! Doors will open at 6:30pm; the performance will begin at 7:00pm on the cafeteria stage and last for about an hour! Our very own Hazel Wolf musicians have been working hard to present you with 6 different pieces. We look forward to seeing you there!
Middle School Sports Update:
Basketball starts this week!
Practice Schedule
- Girl’s practices will be Mondays and Thursdays 3:45-5 p.m. in the gym (with exception of the first practice which is on Wednesday, December 11).
- Boy’s practices will be Tuesday and Fridays 3:45-5 p.m. in the gym.
You can still get that paperwork into play and pay the per sport sports fee here:
We are looking for assistant/JV coaches for both boys’ and girls’ basketball.
assistant/JV coaches
We are also looking ahead and will need a volleyball coach for the spring. Let us know if you are interested!
Girls’ soccer players please wash and return those jerseys to Ms. Traci-we still don’t have all of them back.
The soccer party will be directly after school in the library on December 10th. Pick up in the front of the building at 5pm.
Questions? Email Traci at
PTSA Announcements and Events
We are Connected! Blue Envelope Campaign continues through December 12th.
Consider connecting to our wolf pups with a donation to the Blue Envelope Campaign. At just 35% to our goal, we need your help to get us to the finish line. Have you submitted your donation yet? Any contribution you make is appreciated and supports connections amongst our families through PTSA sponsored events (Family Picnic, Harvest Festival, Movie Nights, PJ Pancake Party, etc.). All donations are 100% tax deductible and qualify for corporate gift matching. Learn more and donate to the Blue Envelope Campaign.
Thank you to our Blue Envelope sponsors: Childish Things, Emerald City Boxing Club, Endeavor One, Vitalitree, and Woolly Clothing Co.
Staff Appreciation Breakfast, Tuesday, December 10th, 7:30-8:45am, Library
Help us celebrate our wonderful staff with a traditional Hazel Wolf staff favorite, the hot breakfast! We’ll need a lot of physical volunteers the morning of December 10th, as well as people willing to bring in hot foods to offer our staff. Sign up to volunteer at the Staff Appreciation Breakfast. We will also be decorating the library with notes and posters of thanks from our community. Feel free to send your messages of gratitude to the front office before Tuesday.
ADHD Parent Support Group, Thursday, December 12th, 4-6pm, Music Room
This group provides education, resources, and support to parents and guardians of students with ADHD, to help their child(ren) grow and thrive at school and in life. Please reach out to Leslie Schuyler at for more information.
We’d still love some 8th Grade Parent Reps! Please sign up to volunteer as an 8th Grade Parent Rep.
E-STEM Activities
Become a Ridwell member by December 15th and earn rewards for our school and students, including free plastic film pick-ups for the Spring and a field trip to the Ridwell warehouse! Sign up using this school drive link.
TerraCycle School Recycling Drive, now through April 30th, 2025
Join us in keeping hard-to-recycle household products out of landfill! Please bring your drinks pouches and straws, squeezable pouches and caps, oral care, and air care products to the labeled recycle bins by the school entrance. Check what items can be collected here.
Questions about our PTSA-managed E-STEM projects? Email