Hazel Wolf K-8

Hazel Wolf

Forms and Procedures

Forms & Procedures Information

Digital Device Policy

Hazel Wolf K-8 Digital Device Policy

Digital Device Policy (Cell Phones, tablets, Air Pods, headphones, etc.) ​ 

Per SPS policy, the use of personal electronic devices during school hours is prohibited in grades K-8 in all schools. If your child brings a cell phone or smartwatch to school: ​ 

  • Cell phones, smartwatches, air pods, and headphones must be silenced and stored in backpacks during school hours.  ​ 
  • Cell phones, smartwatches, air pods, and headphones may not be used at any point during the school day.  ​ 
  • Headphones may be used in class for classwork, if directed by the teacher.  ​ 
  • Cell phones, smartwatches, air pods, and headphones are brought to school at the family’s own risk.  ​ 
  • Cell phones, smartwatches, air pods, and headphones may only be used before or after school to call or text a parent/guardian. Students may not make or receive calls, send or receive texts, take photos, record videos, play games, or access the internet on these devices during school hours.   ​ 

Any digital device, other than those provided by the school, seen or heard during the school day will be taken to the office and require a parent/guardian to come and pick it up from the school.   ​ 

After a third instance the teacher gives the phone to an Administrator, who will arrange a family meeting to plan and implement “no phone contract” for their scholar. This student will no longer be allowed to carry their phone or digital device with them throughout the school day for the remainder of the year. ​ 

Revisions to SPS Board Policy 2022, Electronic Resources and Use of the Internet


In Person Reporting Attendance

You can email hazelwolf.attendance@seattleschools.org send a talking points or call the attendance line at 206-252-4614. Please report attendance, absence, or late, ahead of time. Calls are made to check in on unreported absences by end of day. For extended trips, please complete planned absence form. This form needs to be filled out, signed by teacher(s), and returned 3 days before the planned absence  You can also check out the district page on matters dealing with Truancy.


No parking on the west side of Pinehurst 7-9 am and 2-4 pm, bus zone only.
Quick unloading zone only north of driveway on 12th Ave NE 7:00 am to 9:00 am. 2hr parking after 9:00 am.
Open parking on 12th Ave NE south of the driveway.
Open parking on 117th Ave NE between 12h Ave NE and Pinehurst except 30 minute loading zone only signs indicate.

Entering the Building

In an effort to keep student and staff in the building safe it is very important that all parents and visitors stop and sign in at the office. There are always new faces whether by students, staff, substitutes, volunteers, or visitors, and it is required that everyone be identified when in the building. All visitors and volunteers must sign into the main office and obtain a badge before advancing to any other part of the school. We welcome people to the school but without a badge you will be stopped and asked to return to the office to sign in. If you are just coming to pick up your student at the end of the day please stay in the office or outside. If you need to pick up your child early please come to the office to sign them out and they will be called down to the office, you should not go directly to the classroom.

Students Arriving Late or Leaving Early

Any student arriving after the bell has rung must sign into the office and obtain a pink slip to get to class. This includes arriving between passing periods. If for any reason students need to leave during the school day they MUST be signed out by an adult listed on their account.  Adults should bring an ID with them to verify they have authorization to pick up the student from school. Students must be signed out before they are called from class. We will not have students waiting for pick up so please arrive with plenty of time to call the student from class.

Yellow Cards for Riding a Different Bus

If you would like your child to ride on a different bus or get off at a different stop, please send in a note or email the attendance line at hazelwolf.attendance@seattleschools.org. Be sure it include your child’s full name, the name of the student they are going with, the date, and if it is different stop request (not with another student) the address of the stop. The school does not receive a list of all the stops so we will need that if it is not with another student attending Hazel Wolf K-8. All requests should be in at least an hour before dismissal to allow time to fill out cards and get them to students. We will not take phone calls for requests at dismissal time—it holds up buses or makes students miss their bus.

In The Event of an Emergency

*It’s best to ALWAYS bring an ID when picking up your student from school*

In the event of an emergency at school or within the city there is a protocol set in place for all families of Hazel Wolf to be reunified. Here at Hazel Wolf K-8 the parent/ guardian responsibility in the event of an emergency are as follows:

  1. Before leaving home be sure to have a PHOTO ID
    *Students will only be released to an adult on their Emergency Release Form with an ID 
  2. CHECK IN: If the building is untouched parents will form lines out the front doors to check in.  If we need to be out of the building the lines will form outside the main doors.
    *Signs will be posted by the first letter of the student’s last name for the lines 
    *Please line up in the appropriate lines and be prepared to wait patiently. If you have students with different last names you may pick a line. 
    * You will receive a student release/runner form that must be filled out for each student- this form will remain with the runner throughout the process.
  1. BE PATIENT: all parents/ guardians have to go through the same process to be reunified. No student will be released without going through our school reunification process. The more patient and understanding parents/ guardians are the faster we will be able to move people through the line to be reunified with their child.
  2. After check in is completed you will be directed to the Family Reunification area where your student will be brought to meet up with you. Parents/ Guardians will ONLY be allowed to pick up their student in the Family Reunification area! You will need your ID one last time at this station and also be able to indicate your destination after leaving the school.

*No matter how long some staff may know you, ID is still REQUIRED to pick up a student.  Please come prepared.