Family Bulletin 12-15-24

Hazel Wolf K-8 Weekly Family Bulletin
December 15, 2024
Upcoming Dates:
- Now through Apr. 30th: TerraCycle School Recycling Drive
- Dec. 12th-18th Book Fair (Library)
- Dec. 18th Band & Orchestra Showcase (7:00pm)
- Dec. 20th One-hour early-dismissal at 2:25pm
- Jan. 9th ADHD Parent Support Group (Library), 4-6pm
- Wed., Jan. 22nd, 6:30-8pm: PTSA General Meeting featuring guest speaker Amy Lang of Birds & Bees & Kids (Cafetorium, childcare provided for Hazel Wolf students)
- Friday, Jan. 31st, 6-8pm: K-5 Glow Dance
All School Announcements
Message from Dr. Breuder:
Thank you PTSA for Staff Appreciation Breakfast! What a wonderful treat to have such yummy food for the staff last week at the staff appreciation breakfast. Thank you to parent organizers, Alice Mason and Aminda Bowen, and all the other families who helped provide food for this breakfast. Thank you.
Spirit Days:
- This next week we are finishing off the week with an all-school Spirit Day…. Friday, December 20th is Pajama Day!
- Additionally, be on the lookout for a Secret Staff Spirit Day! One day this week, staff will be dressed in a secret staff spirit day theme…. can students guess that theme?
Events this week at Hazel Wolf!
The Book Fair continues this week through Wednesday! The Book Fair will be open into the evening on Wednesday, as we are also hosting Band and Orchestra concert on Wednesday. The concert is at 7:00pm, so please stop by the Book Fair on the way to the concert! I will be spending time with family and friends, and I am looking forward to getting through some of the books that have been sitting by my bed for a long time.
Tutor position available: We are looking for a tutor to join our early-literacy program at Hazel Wolf. This is a part-time position. This person would be joining an experienced team of tutors that support the early-literacy program at our school. Please contact me if you are interested at
I hope you have a wonderful Winter Break. The building will be closed during Winter Break, as the Hazel Wolf staff is all taking a much-needed break. We hope you and your family have a restful break and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Middle School News:
Message from Ms. Jordan:
Hello Hazel Wolf community! Please join us at our HWMS Band and Orchestra concert on December 18th! Doors will open at 6:30pm; the performance will begin at 7:00pm on the cafeteria stage and last for about an hour! Our very own Hazel Wolf musicians have been working hard to present you with 6 different pieces. We look forward to seeing you there!
Leadership Workshop: Hazel Wolf middle school students have the opportunity to participate in a Leadership Workshop on Wednesday, January 22nd. This workshop is through WSPEF (Washington School Principals’ Education Foundation). This workshop will focus on student leadership, student government, and Associated Student Body (ASB).
- Day/Time: Wednesday, January 22nd, 9:00-11:30am
- Location: Hazel Wolf K-8
How do students sign up?
Students will be given information in Packs on Wednesday, December 18th. At that time, they will have access to an online form to show interest in attending this workshop. Please note that students who attend this workshop will miss 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods on January 22nd.
Middle School Sports Update:
Please check the Hazel Wolf website for sports updates. Games will start in January!
We are looking for assistant/JV coaches for both boys’ and girls’ basketball.
We are also looking ahead and will need a volleyball coach for the spring. Let us know if you are interested!
Questions? Email Traci at
PTSA Announcements and Events
Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Blue Envelope campaign! If you haven’t donated yet, it’s not too late and every amount helps. This is our ONLY fundraiser this year, so please give if you’re able. Donate to the Blue Envelope Campaign.
If you turned in a “What we love about HW” worksheet, there’s a special sticker for you to pick up at the front desk. Thank you for participating!
Thank you to our Blue Envelope sponsors: Childish Things, Emerald City Boxing Club, Endeavor One, Little Fish Swim School, Vitalitree, and Woolly Clothing Co.
ADHD Parent Support Group, January 9th, 4-6pm, Library
This group provides education, resources, and support to parents and guardians of students with ADHD. It meets monthly on the second Thursday of each month. If you have questions or would like more information before attending, please reach out to Leslie Schuyler at
PTSA General Meeting, January 22nd, 6:30-8pm, Cafetorium
We hope you’ll join us for our next general meeting. In addition to updates from Principal Breuder and your PTSA Committee members, we’re thrilled to welcome Amy Lang from Birds & Bees & Kids as our guest speaker. Amy will be talking on the subject of online safety. If you need an interpreter, please let us know via
TerraCycle School Recycling Drive, now through April 30th, 2025
Join us in keeping hard-to-recycle household products out of landfill! Please bring your drinks pouches and straws, squeezable pouches and caps, oral care, and air care products to the labeled recycle bins by the school entrance. Check what items can be collected here. Email with any questions.
We’d still love some 8th Grade Parent Reps! Please sign up for TerraCycle School Recycling Drive.
Items that have been in the Lost & Found for more than 4 weeks will be placed on the front benches on Monday morning. Unclaimed items remaining on Saturday will be donated to Kidvantage. The Lost & Found is located just off the front office area. Parents may access it anytime during office hours; please check in at the front desk. Students are encouraged to check before or after school. Join the Hazel Wolf K-8 Community Group on Facebook for regular updates including upcoming purge dates, photos and videos of lost items.