Hazel Wolf K-8

Hazel Wolf

Family Bulletin 2-23-25

Hazel Wolf K-8 Weekly Family Bulletin

Upcoming Dates:

  • Thursday, Feb. 27th, 9:30am School Tour
  • Thursday, Mar. 13th, 4-6pm ADHD Parent Support Group (Library)
  • Friday, Mar. 14th, 6-8pm K-5 Family Movie Night (Sonic the Hedgehog 3)
  • Tuesday, Mar 18th, 6:30-8pm: PTSA General Session (Cafetorium)
  • Sunday, Mar. 30th, 1:10pm: Hazel Wolf Mariners Game (T-Mobile Park)
  • Now through Apr. 30th: TerraCycle School Recycling Drive

All School Announcements

Message from Dr. Breuder:

I hope you had a restful mid-winter break! I took my daughter, Gia, to Southern California to look at colleges this week.  It was a whirlwind of campus visits and tours (seven colleges in four days), but it was great to spend some time with my daughter while also enjoying a little SoCal sun.  My sister and nephew were also on this trip, so it was fun to spend time with them.  We took one day to spend at Universal Studios, where I was reminded just how much my body cannot take some of the rides, especially those with virtual simulation.  It was an overall great trip, albeit a little bit exhausting!  This next part of the school year is busy, so it was really nice to unplug and take a break. 

School tour: The last school tour for Hazel Wolf is Thursday at 9:30am.  Thank you to the PTSA members who are helping give tours to prospective families.  We had two tours earlier in February, both of which were quite full.  (Open Enrollment in SPS closes on Friday, February 28.)

Hazel Wolf K-8 ASB Constitution & Bylaws: Good news! The Hazel Wolf K-8 ASB (Associated Student Body) Constitution and Bylaws were officially approved by the SPS School Board on February 12.  This means we can officially move forward with ASB activities at Hazel Wolf.  This will include, but not limited to, a middle school dance, as well as ASB elections for next year. 

Budget/staffing process for 2025-26 school year: This week we will receive staffing and budget allocations for the 2025-26 school year. These allocations are based on projected enrollment.  Once we receive these allocations, we will go through the process of budgeting both dollars and resources for next year.  We will keep you updated as we go through the different steps of this process. 

Middle School News:

Middle School dance! Please mark your calendars for the Middle School dance on Friday, March 7th.  Stay tuned for details!

Middle School Sports Update:

Please refer to the website for Middle School Sports Updates

Also, we are looking for a volunteer assistant coach for volleyball. Please contact Traci at tjmccallick@seattleschools.org if you are interested. 


PTSA Announcements and Events

Volunteers Needed for Mid-Year & End-of-Year Fiscal Reviews: The PTSA needs three volunteers for upcoming fiscal reviews. These activities take a few hours over one or two evenings each spring. If you’re a PTSA member and would like to help, please email treasurer@hazelwolfk8.org.

Reflections Arts Recognition Program: We’re thrilled to share that several Hazel Wolf students received awards and honorable mentions during this year’s Seattle Council PTSA Reflections arts program, and a few students have moved on to the State round! See a list of Seattle winners here. Congratulations to everyone who took part this year – so much creativity, so much talent! Find out more about Reflections here.

New Family Resources on PTSA Website! Check out the new pages we’ve added to our website covering summer camps and extracurricular activities. We also created a spreadsheet of Seattle area summer day camps that you can download on the summer camps page.

ADHD Parent Support Group, March 13th, 4-6pm, Library: If you’re a parent or guardian of a student with ADHD, this group meets monthly on the second Thursday and provides education, resources, and support. Have questions or would like more information before attending? Please reach out to Leslie Schuyler at luschuyler@gmail.com.

K-5 Family Movie Night, March 14th, 6-8pm, Cafetorium: Our next PTSA-sponsored movie night is Sonic the Hedgehog 3! Bring blankets and pillows to cozy up on the Cafetorium floor, or low-backed chairs to set up behind. Siblings welcome! Watch the Sonic the Hedgehog 3 trailer.

Hazel Wolf Mariners Game, March 30th, 1:10pm, T-Mobile Park: More ball game fun is on the horizon! We have 200 seats reserved in the 100 level for $20 each ($2 to the PTSA). Book your Hazel Wolf Mariners Game tickets. Please contact parent volunteer Sabra Warren via sabrahallphoto@gmail.com or 206-931-3613 if you have questions.

TerraCycle School Recycling Drive, now through April 30th, 2025: Let’s all do what we can to keep hard-to-recycle household products out of landfill! Bring your items to the labeled recycle bins by the school entrance. Check what can be collected by TerraCycle, or email estem@hazelwolfk8.org with your questions.

Does your employer have a corporate matching program? Not only are any donations you make to the PTSA 100% tax deductible, but they also qualify for corporate gift matching. This means your employer may match a portion, or the entirety, of your donation – potentially doubling the impact of your gift! Read more on the PTSA website.