Middle School “Arena” Conferences
Summary : Middle School Conference Information

24-25 Middle School Conferences
Greetings Families of Hazel Wolf Middle Schoolers
This year middle school conferences will have a different format than from recent years. Every family will have the opportunity to meet with each of your child’s teachers for a short conference. We’re calling these “Arena” conferences. All of the teachers will be in one central arena for easy access during scheduled times. To support shorter wait times to meet with teachers we are dividing up conference times based on the last names of students. You may come at any time during the windows for your child’s last name. A detailed schedule is listed below. Your family can choose the time for your child’s last name that works best for you.
Middle School Conferences are scent free: for the safety of our staff and students, do not wear perfume, cologne, scented lotions or other scented items.
What to expect:
- Teachers will be stationed at tables throughout the cafeteria.
- Families will wait in line for each teacher they wish to conference with, rotating from one teacher to the next.
- Conferences with each teacher will be approximately five minutes.
- Families with interpretation will have priority in a line so that the interpreter can keep to their conference schedule which includes students in all grades and many of our k-8 classrooms. Thank you for understanding.
- Families are invited to come to any of the arena conference times for their student’s last name to meet with teachers.
- Arena conferences are assigned by the students’ last name.
- Families can expect to hear about their child’s strengths, struggles and next steps for learning.
- Families are invited to share information about their child’s interests, strengths and needs with the teachers.
- Families should have already heard from teachers if students are currently earning a D or an E as per SPS/Hazel Wolf grading policy.
- Students can attend with their family. Some teachers are preparing student led work for their arenas.
Conference schedule:
Arena conferences
4:30 – 6:00, Last names A-J
6:30 – 8:00, Last names K-Z
8:30-11:30, scheduled conferences
1:30-5:00 Arena conferences
1:30-3:00, Last names K-Z
3:30-5:00, Last names A-J
2:00-5:00, Scheduled conferences
8:30-12:00 Arena conferences
8:30-10:00, Last names A-J
10:30-12:00, Last names K-Z