Middle School Spring Sports
Posted on: March 10, 2025
Summary : Boys Soccer, COED Track and Girls Volleyball are starting in March

Middle School Spring Sports Starting!
Boys Soccer, COED Track and Girls Volleyball are starting soon!
Please get all the paperwork in ASAP (students cannot play until all paperwork is done):
- If your student has played previous sports this year, they only need to fill out the new sports registration form.
- If this is your students first sport of the year, please fill out all the paperwork on the Athletics page or the student can pick up a packet at the front desk.
Practice Schedule
- Boys Soccer Coached by Coach Kent & Assistant Coach Joel:
Practices will start on March 20 and will be on Tuesday and Thursdays 3:45-5:30 p.m. at James Baldwin Elementary. They will meet in the back parking lot and run from the school to James Baldwin where they are to be picked up. Coach Kent will hold Friday meetings every week starting on March 28. They are held in the computer lab directly after school and will run till 4:30pm. There is also an introduction meeting on March 17 in the same location and time. - COED Track Coached by Coach Kristen:
Practices will start on March 24 and be on Mondays from 3:45- 5:00/5:15 p.m. and on Wednesdays from 2:25-3:45/4 p.m. at the Nathan Hale HS Track. Athletes will be able to take a school bus to Nathan Hale HS where they will need to be picked up after practice. - Girls Volleyball Coached by Coach Chris:
Practices will start on March 25 and will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
3:45-5:30 p.m. in the school gym.
Games will be on Saturdays with schedule TBD.
Athletic Fee:
School Pay links to pay the $15 athletic fee per sport:
Ultimate Frisbee is also offered outside of the school. If you are interested let Ms. Traci know.
We are still looking for a volunteer to help with Volleyball. Please let Ms. Traci know if you are interested.
Thank you!
Ms. Traci