Hazel Wolf K-8

Hazel Wolf

Welcome Letter 2024-2025

Summary: Welcome Letter 2024-2025

August 22, 2024

Dear Hazel Wolf Students and Families,

I would like to welcome you to the 2024-25 school year! I hope your summer is going well and you are excited for the beginning of the new school year. I was able to take a little break this summer to enjoy some time with family and friends, so I am feeling rested and rejuvenated to get the school year up and going.

I anticipate an exciting year as we work together to best support all children and families at Hazel Wolf. I feel so fortunate to be working with such an exceptional group of students, staff members and families. Many of our teachers and staff are still on vacation but will hit the ground running when teachers come back to school on August 27th.

Incoming kindergarteners participated in our Jump Start program this week! This is an exciting opportunity for all incoming kindergarteners to become acclimated to “school life” before their first day of school. Please note that the first day for Kindergarteners is September 9th, while students in grades 1-8 start on September 4th.

Staffing updates: We have a number of changes on the Hazel Wolf staff this year. There are a few that are still being determined, so I will announce that information as soon as it is finalized.

New to Hazel Wolf:

  • Librarian: Michael Zetterberg
  • Middle School music (band & orchestra): Katyrose Jordan
  • Middle School math: Kalpana Natarajan
  • Middle School Special Education Paraeducator: Cel Hausske
  • Multilingual Teacher: Joel Fisaha
  • Elementary Special Education Teacher: Bill Keating
  • Elementary Special Education Paraeducator: Katrin Pinksfeld

New to role (but not new to Hazel Wolf):

  • Middle School Social Studies (+ Middle School Art): Alyssa Powers
  • Fourth grade: Angie Armbrust
  • First grade: Michelle Phan
  • Engineering: Joe Fogarty

First day of school: On Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, school starts at 8:55. Dismissal is 3:25 pm every day. Every Wednesday (not including September 4th) is designated as an early dismissal, so students will be dismissed at 2:10 on those days.

Transportation: If your child is riding a bus to/from school, you will be notified directly from Transportation with bus information.

School lunch and breakfast are available for purchase. There are also opportunities to qualify for free or reduced lunch. Breakfast is $2.25 and lunch is $3.25. Learn more about school meals.

K-5 Class placements: Classroom assignments will be announced via email from your child’s classroom teacher on Wednesday, August 28th by 4:00pm. Please note that these assignments are dependent on overall enrollment of the school and could change after the start of school.

Our current classroom configurations for elementary classes are as follows:

  • Kindergarten: Three classes
  • First grade: Three classes
  • Second grade: Three classes
  • Third grade: Three classes
  • Fourth grade: Two classes and one 3rd/4th class
  • Fifth grades: Three classes

Middle School schedules: Schedules will be available on The Source by Tuesday, September 3rd.

Please join us for our Open House on Thursday, August 29th, from 3:30-5:30pm! This is a time where you can meet your child’s teacher before school starts, see the classroom and school, and meet other Hazel Wolf families. We hope you can join us on the 29th!

We are looking forward to a fantastic school year.


Dr. Maria Breuder


Hazel Wolf K-8