Hazel Wolf Athletics
Hazel Wolf offers a variety of sports for our middle school students. In our program all students who would like to participate in sports can; we don’t make cuts. Our teams compete in the K-8 division and play their games on Saturdays. Our sports program offers a great opportunity for your child to exercise, develop skills, form friendships with students they may not have in classes, understand sportsmanship, and build camaraderie.
- Fall Sports – Starting September 17, 2024. Every Tuesday & Thursday.
- Winter Sports – November
- Spring Sports – March
Athletics News
Boys Soccer, COED Track and Girls Volleyball are starting in March
Girls and Boys Basketball Schedules
Girls Basketball and Boys Basketball will start on December 10. Please start getting the paperwork in now
Requirements to Participate in Sports
The athletic fee for each sport played at Hazel Wolf is $15. These funds help to cover the costs of uniforms, equipment, celebrations etc. and can be sent with the packet in the form of either cash or a check made out to Hazel Wolf K-8. If you have any questions, concerns, or you need assistance with the fee, please contact the front desk at
Health Insurance: A scholar must have health insurance to play a sport. If not covered by a parent/guardian’s insurance plan, insurance can be purchased through SPS: SPS Student Insurance Enrollment.
Physicals: A physical in the last 24 months is required for all sports. The physical is then good for 24 calendar months. Your scholar’s doctor can fill out the SPS physical form based on the last wellness exam or physical if it was within the last 24 months. The physical form is linked below.
Forms: All forms needed for participation are listed below.
Middle School Athlete Forms
Use the following guide to register your student for athletic programming. Once complete, these forms should be forwarded to the school where your student is participating.
Student Athletic Forms
Step 1: Athletic Registration Forms
Print, complete and return forms to school. Please note, high school and K-8/middle school students complete the same form.
Student Athletic Registration Forms
- Registration forms are valid for one school year only
Step 2: Physical Exam Form
Student-Athlete Medical Forms
- The HISTORY document (Page 1) should be completed and remain with your provider
- The EXAM document (Page 2) should be completed and remain with your provider
- The MEDICAL ELIGIBILITY document (Page 3) should be the only item submitted to your school
- Physicals are valid for 24 consecutive months
Step 3: Program Guardian Release & Warning Forms
All forms are required.
Step 4: Sport-Specific Guardian Release & Warning Forms
For each school year, one form is required for each sport student will participate.
- Basketball – Guardian Release & Warning Forms
- Soccer – Guardian Release & Warning Forms
- Track & Field – Guardian Release & Warning Forms
- Ultimate Frisbee – Guardian Release & Warning Forms
- Volleybal – Guardian Release & Warning Forms
Step 5: Guardian Awareness Forms
Print, complete and return forms to school.
- Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form
- Extracurricular Athletic Transportation Form
- Media Release for Publication Form
- Spectator Code of Conduct Form
- Weight Room Consent Form
Additional District Resources and Forms
Student Athletic Handbook
Middle School and K-8 Athletics Handbook
Enrollment/Cross-Enrollment – Athletics Only
This checklist is for students who wish to participate with their neighborhood school’s athletic programs but are either not enrolled within the district OR who current district students needing to be cross-enrolled from their alternative high school. If any questions about the checklist, please contact the athletic school where your student would be participating.
Student Insurance
Seattle Public Schools makes available a student accident insurance program that can be tailored to your family’s needs. To learn more about available plans/enrollment or to ask additional questions, visit the District’s Risk Management Department link below.
District Policies
Student Participation Fees: “Pay to Play” fees have been discontinued. Check with your school for any other additional fees.