Ski Bus – 3rd-8th Grade

Ski Bus information for 2024 – 2025
Hazel Wolf offers two Ski Bus Options. Wednesday Ski Bus for grades 3rd-8th, Friday Ski Bus for grades 5th-8th
3rd-8th grade Ski Lessons-Wednesday’s
SSCS will be offering ski lessons 4:00pm-6:30pm at Summit Central.
6 Weeks-starting Wednesday January 8th
- The price for six weeks of ski bus and lessons is $625, additional lift ticket/pass required.
- A “Bus only” option will be available for 5th-8th graders-$400
- Wednesday lessons are SKI only. SSCS does not provide snowboarding lessons.
- Bus leaves around 2:30/2:45pm and returns between 8:00pm/8:30pm
The Wednesday program has sold out in the past so we encourage parents to sign up right away to reserve a spot.
Registration with SSCS-see “Hazel Wolf”-see “Hazel Wolf”
For any questions, email Sarah Burris
5th-8th Grade Middle School Ski Lessons/Free Ski-Friday’s
Webbski will be offering ski/snowboard lessons 6:00pm-7:15pm at Summit Central.
5 Weeks –Friday January 10th -February 7th
- The price for five weeks of ski bus and ski/snowboarding lessons is $470.00, additional lift ticket/pass required.
- A “Bus only” option will be available for -$250.00
- Individual bus trips, if there is space available – $50.00 per trip
- Webb ski offers both ski and snowboarding lessons
- Bus leaves around 4:00pm and returns about 10:30pm
To register email:
For any questions, email Mr. Smith
For More information on our Ski Bus programs, please watch our Ski Bus Information
Night from 2021-recorded Zoom link: (to come)