Hazel Wolf K-8

Hazel Wolf

Staff Directory

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Einstein, Brooke

Teacher-5th Grade


I have been a 5th grade teacher at Hazel Wolf since 2015. I have taught all grades K-5 and 5th is my favorite! I love being a part of the 5th grade team and the Wolf Pack! Science is one of my favorite subjects to teach and I feel fortunate to be at an ESTEM focused school.

In my life outside of Hazel Wolf, I am mom of two amazing daughters, Emma and Lucy, who both attended Hazel Wolf. Emma recently graduated from Oregon State University, majoring in Marine Biology. Lucy is currently studying Criminology/Criminal Justice at Loyola University Chicago. My husband Will and I have lived in Maple Leaf for 25 years. I enjoy gardening, reading, attending live music, and traveling in my free time.

Ferguson, Beverly

Teacher-MS Math


Fisaha, Joel

Multilingual Teacher


Fogarty, Joseph

Teacher, MS Digital Arts and Elem Engineering


Personal Message

I grew up listening to the sound of my mother teaching piano in my living room. Every day after school, I knew I had to come in the back door quietly, sneak around the corner, and dash up the stairs to my room. I heard her patience and her persistence. I heard her firmly correct and redirect. Most importantly, I heard the joy she had at every little success.  Ultimately, I think that joy is why I became a teacher.

My home was in Omaha, NE. In terms of school I learned math from nuns, how to question from Jesuits, and everything else from the giant public school downtown. I went on to study Television Engineering at the University of Nebraska at Omaha for a few semesters. Leaving that behind, I played music and travelled until school felt right. In 1992, I landed at the University of Southern California. I graduated with a major in Comparative Literature and Art History.

After working in theatre (sound design, acting, and administration) and photography, I met my wife in a book club here in Seattle. Kristin was (and is) a teacher.  The stories she brought home were far more interesting than my work stories. Her joy reminded me of my mother’s, and it brought me full circle into teaching. I got my Masters degree from the University of Washington in 2006 and started teaching 4th and 5th grade at Coe Elementary. During all this, my family has grown to include two phenomenal daughters, Ruth and Iris.

Atsede Gebrehiwot

Gebrehiwot, Atsede

Bilingual IA

Hazel Wolf ~ Attendance

Gonzalez, Justin

Night Custodian


Grandbois, Corinne

Teacher-4th Grade


Hausske, Celia

MS Special Education IA Access


Hernandez, Lourienne

Teacher- Kindergarten


Hicks, Amy

Teacher- Literacy Specialist


Hill, Melinda

Teacher-MS Language Arts/Social Studies

Hazel Wolf ~ Attendance

Huynh, Hue

Night Custodian

Yolanda Jackson

Jackson, Yolanda

Main Office- Volunteer Coordinator/Transportation


Jordan, Katyrose

Teacher, Music

Bill Keating headshot

Keating, William

Teacher—Special Education 3-5 Access


Kent, Sara

Literacy Tutor


Lee, Gemma

Physical Therapist


Liu, Sophie

Teacher- 1st Grade


Lommers, Christy

Teacher-Special Education-XG


Lucus Zaharakis, Michelle

Teacher, MS SpEd Access
